City walls in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Learn more with Pragmatic Travelers.
Himara Bay in Albania. Taken by Pragmatic Travelers.
Gorgeous Himara Bay in Albania. Learn more with Pragmatic Travelers.

Hello! I’m Jenny. I am just your everyday pragmatic traveler who is in constant quest for great coffee, local cheeses and bragworthy adventures. If, like me, you only use your phone to take pictures and you want your recommendations without a narrative-then you have come to the right place!

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View of Berat, Albania. Learn more with Pragmatic Travelers.
View of Berat, Albania from the castle. Learn more with Pragmatic Travelers.
Sunbathing in Costa Maya. Learn more with Pragmatic Travelers.
Sunbathing in Costa Maya. Learn more with Pragmatic Travelers.

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